
ChatGPT: THE NEW AI CHATBOT ChatGPT developed by OpenAI,  the chatbot can interact with humans through conversation. It can talk about anything you ask.

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HOW OPENAI DEFINES CHATGPT OpenAI says the AI chatbot can interact, can answer any question you ask, admit mistakes and reject inappropriate request.

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HOW DOES CHATGPT WORK ChatGPT is based on GPT 3.5 Language which uses deep learning method to produce human like text and can even come up with poem.

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ChatGPT has over 1 million users and they posted snapshot after using it on their social account. So far people used it millions of times. 

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So far, OpenAI has only opened up the bot for evaluation and beta testing but API access is expected to follow next year. With API access, developers will be able to implement ChatGPT into their own software. 

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PEOPLE'S REACTIONS So Far ChatGPT nearly answer its perfect. But somewhere the development and certain topics may be inaccurate.

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WHAT ELON MUSK SAID It seems ChatGPT has impressed Billionaire Elon Musk. Elon Musk has said on a Tweet about OpenAI "Scary Good"

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WHAT OTHERS SAID ChatGPT could be a good debugging companion; it not only explains the bug but fixes it and explain the fix.

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