Common 5 reason: American go broke after rertirement

Dec, 11 2022

1. Saving without a Plan

Saving without a plan makes your way to get broke. You need to think only 10% of your money needs to save.

2. Leaving free money on the table

One large mistake people tend to make is not contributing enough to their retirement accounts to receive the full employer match.

If you are not contributing enough to your 401(k) to receive the match, you are just giving up free money.  

Carrying debt into retirement put strain on your budget. to get rid of it you need to brainstorm yourself asap. 

3. Letting your Debt Linger

When you are struggling on multiple financial responsibilities and you have kids to preparing to heads college , then its easy to forget about saving money. 

4. Forgetting to save

At the aged most people suffer on their medical payout due to financial medical plan.

5. Forgetting about medical care

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Black Star